Sorrel Options

  • Sorrel, the begining

    There is just something special about sorrel, when combined with some ginger and white rum that makes it the Caribbean's choice drink during the Christmas season. Distinctively flavoured, with an exquisite aroma and a rich red color, Christmas would not be Christmas without the Jamaican sorrel drink and sorrel cocktails.

    Many do not know much about the facts surrounding the sorrel..

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  • Sorrel Drink or Cocktail

    If you know anything about sorrel, then you will know that it is used to make one of the best beverages in the world. There is nothing more refreshing than a cold sorrel drink with the right balance of ginger in it, and some friends will even say that it is even better with the addition of some Jamaican white rum.

    Many might debate on the fact of whether a sorrel drink with rum is a drink or...

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  • Blended Sorrel Cocktails

    Sorrel drinks are awesome but let us talk about sorrel cocktails because its cocktail o'clock with the I'm Jaz cocktail mix. This mix can make you the perfect cocktail needed for almost any occasion and any time of the day.

    Just as each moment has its song, each moment or occasion has its cocktail, whether it's a Sorrel Daiquiri for a lunch date, Margarita Rose for a girls night out or the Girl Power...

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  • Stirred Sorrel Cocktails

    Sorrel cocktails stirred, let us talk about sorrel cocktails for almost any occasion and any time of the day.

    Just as each moment has its song, each moment or occasion has its cocktail, whether it's a Late Night Jaz at happy hour or ...

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