
Sorrel Daiquiri.
4 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
3/4 oz Jamaican white rum (virgin mix, add 1/2 oz simple syrup and a dash of lime juice) 8 oz ice cubes
Add all ingredients in blender and blend until texture is nice and smooth... Pour in to glass and enjoy.

Sorrel Martini.
1 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
2 oz vodka
1 oz triple sec (citrus)
Add all ingredients in cocktail shaker and shake until.... Strain when pouring in to martini glass... enjoy.

Sorrel Margarita
1 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz lime juice
1/2 oz triple sec<
Add all ingredients in cocktail shaker and shake until.... Pour in to glass and enjoy.

Margarita Rose
1 1/2 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
2 oz tequila
1/2 oz lime juice
1/2 oz triple sec (citrus)
6-8 ice cubes
Add all ingredients in blender and blend until texture is nice and smooth.... Pour in to glass and enjoy

Sorrel mojito.
1 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
2 lime wedges
7-10 mint leaves
1 oz white rum or (vodka)
3/4 oz lime juice
3-5 ice cubes
tonic water
Add all ingredients to a highball glass, stir and enjoy.

Late Night Jaz.
1 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
1 oz Vodka
1 oz Campari
1 oz Ginger Soda (optional)
3-4 ice cubes
Add all ingredients in old fashioned glass... stir and enjoy.

Bob Marley.
(Step 1) 2 1/2 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix, 1/2 oz Jamaican white rum, 6 ice cubes. Add all ingredients in to blender and blend. Pour into "hurricane glass"
(Step 2) 1 1/2 oz pina colada cocktail mix, 1 oz pineapple juice, 6 ice cubes.
Add all ingredients in blender and blend. Pour 1/2 of content into "hurricane glass".
Add 1/2 oz of blue curacao into blender and blend until color becomes green. (Step 3) .... Pour content into "hurricane glass" and enjoy.

Ocean Princess
1 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
1 oz vodka (raspberry)
1 oz blue curacuo
1/2 oz lime juice
1/2 oz simple syrup (optional)
Add all ingredients in blender and blend until texture is acuqured... Pour in to glass and enjoy.

Slim Thing.
1 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
3 oz grapefruit soda
1 oz vodka (optional)
add crush ice
Add all ingredients to a 10 oz glass... stir and enjoy.

Short and Sassy.
1 oz Jaz cocktail mix
1 oz Tequila
3 oz Orange Juice
3/4 oz Lime Juice
4 oz ice
Add all ingredients in to blender and blend for 20 seconds. Pour into "glass"... enjoy.

Red Bubble Barh.
1 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
4 oz grapefruit soda
1 oz vodka
1 oz white rum
1 oz red rum
add crush ice
Add all ingredients in to a cocktail shaker with ice and shake. Pour into "hocking cocktail glass"... enjoy.

Sorrel Mimosa.
1/2 oz Jaz sorrel cocktail mix
4 oz Sparkling White Wine
1/2 oz Triple Sec
Add all ingredients in to wine glass ...enjoy.