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    Authentic Jamaican

    Most of our products are none alcoholic with one exception, our Sorrel Cooler which has 3% Alc/Vol. Think of our Sorrel Cooler as the traditional Jamaican sorrel drink with a touch of rum.


    Something Special

    Sorrel is not unique to Jamaica however it is widely known around the world as a Jamaican drink (water of Jamaica or Jamaica rose in some countries).
    Traditionally, sorrel is mostly consumed during the Christmas Season however sorrel is now consumed year-round as it is now grown year-round.


    Store Partners

One Taste Leads to Another...

  • 70 oz Sorrel Cocktail Mix

  • 19 oz Sorrel Daiquiri Mix

  • Sorrel Drink (12, 16 oz)

  • Sorrel Drink Lite (12, 16 oz)

  • Sorrel Topping (4, 6, 10 oz)

  • Sorrel Cooler (8 oz)

  • Multi Purpose Condiment

  • Gift Basket for Christmas

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